Are you interested in getting involved?
Please see our details below.
For Speakers
If you are a technology expert or market insider interested in speaking at the conference, please contact Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio: maurizio.dipaolo@aspencore.com
For Companies
We are offering sponsor packages to generate leads, raise brand awareness and participate in the conference and exhibition. If you would like more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Diego Giordani
Ph +39 348 7919419
Irma Garioni
Ph +39 348 7919418
For more information about the virtual event on October 9-10, 2024, please visit www.powerup-expo.com.
For Attendees
If you want to register for the event as an attendee and you have any questions, technical issues or want a certificate of attendance, please contact: segreteria@fortronic.it or +39 02 45947830